Monday, June 20, 2011

Last Post of the Night: Big News!!


Okay, in all caps it's more frightening than exciting BUT I cannot express how happy this makes me and Mike--hurrah!!!

As this blog can attest, potty training Emerald has odyssey. Or a major headache, take your pick. She fights us tooth and nail, doesn't respond to any rewards or punishments or anything...

I talked recently to ECI who thinks her problem may be her sensory things. Other theorists have suggested that Emerald has been constipated and associates going potty with fear and pain; which is very valid since Emerald has had digestive issues since she was an infant.

But for whatever reason, Emerald was nearing 4 years old and still in pull-ups.

To be honest, I was starting to fail like a gigantic failure. I mean, other moms don't have this much problems, so it must be me.

But tonight, after much trying and false alarms, Emerald--who had no accidents all day--finally put her poo-poo right into the potty!

Mommy and Daddy celebrated and made a big deal out of it, and she wanted to call Oma and Glo and tell them herself that she did it. Even as we laid her down in bed tonight, she told Michael sleepily, "I poo-pooed in the potty. It made me happy".

So so proud--hurrah!

Had to share =)


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