Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Million Word Reader Celebration: Guest Writer, Emerald

It was a long and hard journey, reader, getting to 1,000,000 words (or more accurately for me, 5,000,000), but oh was it worth it! Getting to go to ACU for fun and games was amazing! 

Our first station was outdoor fun and games. It was filled to the brim with games, including mini golf, marble run, sticks, tic-tac-toe, bowling, and more! Our second station was science! Fire, electricity, pressure, and explosions made that station truly worthwhile. 

Next up was lunch. Reader, mere words cannot describe how the wonderful grilled chicken, sour cream and onion chips, and White Chocolate Macadamia cookie tasted in my mouth. My beloved father joined me for this eventful lunch. 

Up next--my probable favorite station-- Zoomba! The dancing- oh, the dancing!- nearly changed my life forever. However, my blood sugar crashed to the 30's and I had to eat peanut butter crackers afterwards. 

The final station- Code Bracelets! We picked 2 colors and picked up a Morse Code paper, and we set to work figuring out what our message would be. My good friend Ian decided on “ Tacos for life “ for his message. The goofball. Mine was going to be an emergency bracelet ( AAA SOS AAA ) but sadly, my bracelet popped at the last second and I had to put my beads in a plastic bag and finish it at home. 

After that, we all raced outside for water and fruit snacks (don’t even ask me how all of my fruit snacks were red ) while we waited for the bus. We zoomed back to school- this time our bus had seat belts -and got back to school, where we told our fellow classmates the tale of our adventure. 

Reader, if you are a young child in the GT program, I encourage you to read next year! My personal recommendations are: “Harry Potter”, “Percy Jackson and the Olympians”, and “The Heroes of Olympus” series. Pretty much every book ever written by Rick Riordan. “Levan Thumps and the Gateway to Foo”, “Gregor the Overlander” (and the sequels), and “The Mother-Daughter Book Club” series, too. Any book you can find! 

Reader, Go out there! Accomplish what I could accomplish! 


1 comment:

  1. Emerald, (I'm Amanda and was Gabriel's teacher last year) you not only are an amazing reader, but also a talented writer! I saw the link to your blog on Facebook and had to come check it out! Keep on keeping on! You can do anything you put your mind to! No doubt about that! Great job on reading 5,000,000 words! I'm very impressed! Amanda
