Thursday, September 15, 2011

Emerald-isms, Sept 15

The blog is sadly in need of many updates, but this may be all I can manage for right now--here is another installment of adorable/sweet/funny quotes from my goofy, darling daughter. =)

* Uhh, mom? Benjamin is chewing on your boob... (when I was nursing)

* Can this baby be a girl baby? He can wear lip gloss and we can call him Ellie, so he be my sister.

* There are five Wearden's. 3 boy Wearden's (points to Gabriel, Benjamin, and Michael), and TEN girl Wearden's.

*I slept horribly last night and ended up sleeping in until nearly 10 with Gabe. When I woke up, Emerald was still sweetly lying in bed--who knows how long she had been awake, just laying there. I told her I was sorry, and she snuggled next to me and said "It's okay, mommy--you were very sleepy"

*We had to do finger pricks to test iron levels today--Emerald went before Gabriel, so we were trying to get her to reassure him...she goes "Don't worry, Gaby--it doesn't hurt so bad", then looks at me and says "ow ow ow! It hurts, mommy!!"

*I was emptying the vacuum when Emerald said "thank you to vacuuming, mommy--the ducks {dust} makes me cough, see? -cough cough-"

*Emerald was clutching her stomach in pain, so I told her to try and go potty. Her response: the poo-poo is sleeping in my butt, let's leave it alone for now"

* Pawpaw not at his house; he flew away in a big white airplane. But he come back soon--he forgot Glo here.

* (during prayer) Dear God, please bring Oma back home. It's getting dark and it's time for bed...

* I was taking the fabric covers off the glider so I could toss them in the wash. Emerald adopts a very serious face and says "Mommy, we don't tear up the furniture".

* Me: Emerald, are you supposed to be doing that?
Emerald: We not talking about me, we talking about you.

* My mom's dog passed away recently. Emerald told me one night, " Mama, I need to go to Oma's house. She dying of a broken heart and needs a friend"

* If you don't wash the dirty, nasty dishes, do we not get lunch? (:-/ can the commentary, little girl!)

* When I grow up, I gonna be a real pirate. I just gotta get a real pirate ship.

* Mama, what happened to the clouds? Clouds is white, not brown....(welcome to Lubbock, dear heart--that is a dust storm, lol)

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