So a few weeks back, I was wanting to do something as a family while Michael was home...I get random bursts of energy, and Mike is usually pretty agreeable going along with it. Since I just got the pictures on the computer, I wanted to make a little post about it!

It was too hot to do anything outside, so first we took the kids to the comic shop and let them pick out a comic each. Gabriel chose a Yo Gabba Gabba board book and a Superhero Squad comic. He really likes flipping through, looking at the pages; I think it makes him feel like a big boy. Emerald had a harder time choosing what she wanted--first, she wanted this Yo Gabba Gabba trade that turned out to be $30...there is no way I am spending $30 on a book she can't even read. She had trouble getting a little overexcited, wanting to run around and pick out a dozen books, so I had to take her out to the car and let her calm down. When we got back, she picked a Winnie-the-Pooh animal dictionary that I thought was going to be another $20 book, but when I checked it, it was only $3! I was blown away, because this was a nice, hardback book and it was cheaper than new comics! So we let her get that one.
If you're wondering, Mike got a couple of Marvel comics that had just come out, and I got "Spider-Man Noir" which was on sale.
After the comic shop, we went to an old-fashioned ice cream shop that had just opened up down the was really reasonably priced! They had kid's scoops for $0.60 each, so Gabriel got vanilla and Emerald got bubblegum; Mike got a gigantic chocolate milkshake; and I just got ice water (no sugar-free options, -wistful sigh-).
I don't think Emerald was very impressed with her bubblegum treat, which was not technically ice cream or frozen yogurt, but kind of this...I don't know how to describe it, except to say that it was similar to a snow-cone, but not exactly. Either way, she was more interested in the old fashioned jukebox than she was eating.
It was a lot of fun, and the whole outing barely cost us anything--I think we will do it again soon. =)
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