Friday, September 2, 2011

Getting Ready for Benjamin Reilly

Call it nesting instinct, call it needing something to do, but I have used my time this week to prepare for the arrival of our little baby Benjamin!!

Since Gabriel was born in the beginning of 2009 and since then I have added two nephews to my family (as well as having many friends with male offspring), I would have assumed I had gotten rid of all of our baby things. It's the cycle of reuse--once you are done with everything from baby equipment to tiny newborn clothes and shoes, you pass it on down the line so that someone else can get use of it. By that reasoning, I should have purged ourselves of most usable infant items.

But I lucked out, as it would happen!

I rediscovered a vibrating Winnie-the-Pooh bouncy seat that still had the toys on the little bar; the glider/swing with all of it's toys still intact; and an infant carrier car seat with base in pristine condition. Granted, due to their disuse, I had to take all the covers off to launder, as well as disinfecting and generally cleaning up all non-fabric parts. All in all, I am pleased with the results. Gabriel is confused because he thinks these things have been set up for his benefit--I think he can vaguely recall that these were once his and it is confusing him that he is now no longer able to utilize them, but he'll get over it.

Also rescued from the confines of our storage was my glider--it took a bit of cleaning as well, but it is now set up in the boys' room so that now every major room in the house is set up to be nursing-friendly. I don't know if that will actually help me stick with it or not, but I want to give myself every advantage so I can give it an honest shot.

Other things that had been lent out found their way back to me. Jarrod and Julia sent 6-12 month baby clothes, and Andrew brought back 0-9 month clothes that we had sent to Hayden. Also back from baby Andrew (Jarrod and Julia's son) was my nice Eddie Bauer playpen/bassinet combo with the changing table built in, which I super love :) It makes nighttime just so much smoother and more pleasant with everything centrally located like that.

All in all, Benji's got quite the set-up now. There are a few things that I would still LIKE to get for him (like a tummy play mat, maybe eventually a highchair) but nothing necessary, nothing immediate. he will be here the day after tomorrow, and I think I can finally, genuinely say that (after I hang up the laundry that is resting in his bassinet, lol) we are ready for the little fella to be here!!

...which is actually probably a good thing, considering he was supposed to be here earlier this week, lol.

Anyways, hurray!!


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