Sunday, September 4, 2011

Benjamin is Here!

This is my attempt at an account of the birth of Benjamin!

Last night, my parents arrived at my house around 11.30 or so from Tyler. Of course, Michael and I were still up putting together some last minute things. Emerald just wanted to wait up and see them, Gabriel had fallen asleep earlier, but was awoken by the ruckus. All in all, because of apprehension and pregnancy discomfort, I didn't get much sleep either way.

Full fasting--not even water or ice--began at midnight. Going without food was not such a problem, but I drink a ton of water and eat ice by the bagful, so I felt parched when I got here at 7 the next morning.

It only took them two tries to get the IV in, which is better than anyone's done it before. I have difficult, curvy blood vessels that swell up when you try and put needles in them, so I have to have the IV on the back of my dominant hand, which frankly just sucks. But I can cope; not that big of a deal.

All morning, Michael and I were relaxed and enjoying one another's company. Family began arriving at the hospital around 8.30, including Emerald and Gabriel so that they could meet their new baby brother. At 8.45, they wheeled me back to finish prepping for the surgery. It wast then that I began to shake from head to foot. I think that what happened is that my body was reacting to the cold, but my mind was interpreting it as terror, because my breath began to grow labored and I felt the beginnings of panic. '

Luckily for me, the very understanding and kind anesthesiologist allowed Michael to come back and hold my hand while I got the spinal. As soon as the warmth and numbness washed over my legs, I felt much calmer and relaxed. Michael being there did me worlds of good because he makes me feel safe, helps me keep myself collected.

Dr. Killeen and Dr. Hales did the surgery itself. It took a little while because they had a good deal of scar tissue to cut away. The doctors said my uterus was almost dangerously thin and it was good that they didn't wait any longer to deliver him--from what Michael told me, Dr. Hales ran his finger along my uterus to show where they would make the incision, and it was so thin that it ripped open from that digitally drawn line without them even using a scalpel. =S

It never hurts, but you can feel what is going on down there--feels like they are moving you around a bit, and then you feel them pressing down on your bump. All of a sudden, you feel incredibly flat and empty, and with that you hear the baby cry =)

Benjamin was much bigger than we were expecting, and by far my biggest baby. 20 and a quarter inches long, he was about the same length as Gabriel when he was born; but both Emerald and Gabriel weighed in at 6 pounds, 9 ounces at birth, while Benjamin was a whopping 7 pounds, 14 ounces. Dr. Killeen commented that it was probably related to the gestational diabetes which causes fetuses to put on weight. It does explain why I was so very uncomfortable that last trimester--there was not very much room in there for such a big fellow.

Little guy was born 9.41 on 9-4-11 =)

After they took him out, they cleaned him up a bit, got his APGAR score (9), and wrapped him in some blankets, before Michael and I were allowed some family snuggle time with our new little boy. My hands are strapped down to the table to prevent me from interfering with the surgery, but I was allowed to kiss his little face and snuggle my cheek against him.

Michael took the baby out to meet the family, and I got to take a nap while Dr. Hales and Dr. Killeen painstakingly put me back together. They always do it so that my bull tattoo suffers no damage, and so that after even three c-sections I only have 1 minimal scar. It really is quite sweet of them, they do such a good job. Dr. Killeen mentioned the thinness of my uterus and recommended that if I ever choose to get pregnant again that I should wait several years before trying. Michael and I are pretty happy with three kids, so we discussed long-term birth control options.

When they were done sewing and stapling me back together, I went into recovery. They gave me benadryl there to help with the itching from the morphine, plus two types of pain killers, so I was pretty loopy and exhausted. I slept for a while and they kept me back there for over an hour, making Michael quite nervous. Wheeling me back to my room, they stopped by the nursery so that I could hold Benjamin for the first time :)

The whole family was waiting for me when I came back--Oma, Grandpop, Glo, Pawpaw, Patrick, Grannymom, Dad-Dad, Michael, Emerald, and Gabriel. They were snickering every time I talked, so I think I might have been a little goofy-loopy. Benjamin had to be kept in the nursery to stabilize his body heat before they would bring him in, so I used that time to write sympathy cards to Michael's extended family as they recently lost Rhonda's grandmother GG.

This time, I am determined to give breastfeeding an honest shot, so the lactation consultant came in and gave me a hand--Benjamin is actually quite good at it! He had no trouble latching on and nurses very well. I am very optimistic.

Today for the rest of the day I have to stay on a liquid diet; there are compressors on my legs that squeeze my calves to help keep blood flowing so I don't get a clot while I am confined to the bed. All in all, it's really not a bad set up. Grannymom and Dad-Dad came back for a visit, as well as Melisa, Sydney, and Macy. It has been a quiet and relaxing day, very much needed. One of the best days of my life. I am so happy because everything has gone just so well.

Tonight I am hoping that I can get some good sleep because I am hoping to be up for visitors tomorrow. I should be getting up and walking soon--I all ready got one jaunt down the hall--and will head home on Wednesday.

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