Friday through Sunday, we were with my family in DFW, so Thursday before we left we had Christmas with Michael's parents and brother.
So, Thursday, the kids and I got up and cleaned the bedrooms--packed bags, separated laundry, and picked up things from the floor. Their toys got put into three piles--keep, trash, and donate. There is still too much stuff for their little rooms to handle, but at least it is better.
After Michael got off of work, we headed over there and had queso for dinner--a personal favorite of both Michael and Emerald. The kids wore the new Christmas outfits that I got them for super cheap at wal-mart. I like the outfits because they are toasty warm and casual fun :)
Don't they look so sweet?? Gabriel looks so handsome in blue :)
Anyways, while Ken and Rhonda distracted the kids, "Santa" came and tediously set up an Tinkerbell and Friends Adventure Hut for Emerald and Imaginarium wooden blocks for Gabriel. As hoped (and expected, because Michael is really great at picking out stuff for the kids), Emerald and Gabriel loved them.
Then we opened the rest of the presents from everyone. Presents as follows (as best I can remember off the top of my head--forgive me if I forget something!!):
Gabriel got a Little People's wheelies car ramp thing that is as tall as he is; two cute new outfits--one yellow sports shirt and lounge pants, and one toy story shirt and jeans; a green John Deer tractor that you push a button and it shakes and makes noise and drives away; a barrel of monkeys he doesn't have to share with Emerald; a inflatable punching bag (which he will love when I actually get around to blowing it up); a pickup truck that supports the armed forces; and plastic quiet time cars. Rhonda also bought him a new Mickey Mouse ornament for the Christmas tree.
Emerald got a book reader and 7 books--Dora, 3 Toy Storys, Finding Nemo, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, other that I am not remembering. She loves this toy--she had it read to her all the way down to my grandparents house. She also got a bumblebee pillow/stuffed animal that we named Marty Bumble after an episode of Veggie Tales; an inflatable punching bag and a barrel of monkeys she doesn't have to share with Gabriel; and two new outfits--one jeans and pink sweater, and one red lounge outfit. Rhonda also bought her a new Cinderella ornament for the Christmas tree.
Andie (I) got a blue snowman sweater, a two-tone pink hoodie sweater, a new purse with my name on it, a giftcard to Barnes and Noble and a giftcard to Olive Garden; a Coffee Mate Ice Tea maker; a sweet cinnamon pumpkin candle, cocoa dusted truffles; and Caribbean Escape hand soap.
Michael got a new pair of work shoes, three new button up shirts, two new work belts, and giftcards to Game Stop, Barnes and Noble, Sonic, and Burger King.
I THINK that is all...I should have written it Thursday night, but we came home and put the kids to bed before I put everything away and loaded up the car to leave early the next day.
Ken got the kids a gift for Glo and Pawpaw Wearden's house--a copy of "Twas the Night Before Christmas" that has a recording of Ken reading the story aloud. Emerald was very interested, but it was hard to get Gabriel to sit still at all.
Tune in next time when I regale you with the stories of Wearden Christmas--Friday through Sunday :)
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