Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Afternoon Outside

Since my post this morning (kinda), we did a lot.

When the kids got up from their nap, they were awfully fussy, so I decided they probably needed some fresh air and exercise.

At first, we lay down a blanket on the ground and had clementines cuties and gatorade for snack, while I read my favorite book of the kid's "Wednesday Is Spaghetti Day" to the kids. They really liked their snack and story time being combined, and it was such a lovely day.

Well, when I was growing up, my grandfather Papa would give us four hard manual labor (specifically moving rocks from one place to another) so we would tire ourselves out and sleep through the night when we spent the night at his house. So I decide that we should probably clean up the backyard--maybe if we gather them, we can jump in leaf piles!

Emerald I set to sweeping, which she had a lot of fun with. Gabriel mostly just ran around, but I did get him picking up some trash and put it in the trashcan.

After we did a while of cleaning, we played on the swing set and slides =) I really need to buy some WD40 for that squeaky swingset!!

Emerald was in a really good mood, but she is so very pale!! Her hair is getting so so long, and she seems to be thinning out, just getting taller and taller. 

Gabriel was in a really great mood because he needed the fresh air. That boy never seems quite as happy as he is when he is outside. Don't you just love how brown his beautiful eyes are?? Of course, that is probably narcissism talking--they inherited my eye color, lol. Although Gabriel's is a bit darker than mine. 

We came inside and cleaned up our bedrooms and took a bath, and now they are helping me make tacos for supper--yum!! 

=) ~Andie~

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