Today is Tuesday, which means 1 thing: Speech therapy.
Last March (maybe?), Emerald was still having a lot of trouble with her communication. She knew signs, but for the most part, only Rhonda and I could really understand her conversation most of the time. Even Michael and her teachers at school were clueless as to what she was saying. So, we contacted Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) to come evaluate her.
ECI has turned out to be a Godsend. Emerald's speech has improved DRASTICALLY since she started in speech therapy, and we have started getting her anxiety (due to auditory stress--loud or excessive noises tend to stress her out) under control.
Since she has turned 3, she has been going to Speech at Bowie elementary once a week with Ms. Amy. Emerald adores Ms. Amy, and her communication is improving even more rapidly. The best part of the speech, though, is that it gives me and Gabriel about an hour once a week, every week to go to Bowie park and play.
I love Bowie park. Most people prefer Maxie, but Maxie (is that how it is spelled??) is always swarming with people, no matter the season. At Bowie, every day it is just me and Gabriel. During the summer when I take both the kids, there may be one other family there occasionally, but it is still usually just us three.
Gabriel, needless to say, adores this time. He is practically fearless as he jumps off the playground equipment into my arms, swings on the big swings all by himself, or barrels down the slide face first. He runs and jumps and laughs and plays, and it makes him so very very happy.
Today was especially nice because despite being December, it was a lovely day. Not too hot, not too cold. Just lovely.
Emerald was so excited to see Ms. Amy that she ran up and gave her a great big hug, then started tugging on her hand so they could go get started :)
On the way home, we had a snack of sour cream and chive crackers and lemonade. Tuesday always wears the kids out, and since Mike works late, we have a late lunch, which means late nap, but all in all, it is one of the kid's favorite days.
At lunch, Emerald stole an Andy's Hot Fry from Michael's plate, but after two bites she decided that she did NOT like Andy's Hot Fries, lol.
I will update more later, hopefully!!
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