We got up early this morning--I had packed as much as I could before going to bed, which means Emerald's lunch, diaper bags, etc. Emerald is in the monkey class (which I think fits her to a T!) and Gabriel is a caterpillar (he's so adorable!).
Emerald was really surly from the moment she woke up--she was never a morning person. Gabriel watched the Batman Animated Series while I changed and dressed Emerald--he is always very agreeable.
We left super early--Emerald snacking on apple bars--so that we could stop and see Rhonda on our way to daycare. Unfortunately, we didn't realize until we were at college campus (between our house and daycare) that Rhonda was home sick, So I took the kids to the financial aid office so that I could make sure everything was turned in (it is! awesome) and then off to school.
Maya is not in Emerald's class any more, nor is Cooper, but Drew and Mady are. Drew is the son of the director, and really chubby and cute; Mady was BBFF (Bald Best Friends Forever) with Emerald last year. She has the cutest headbands--thick things with giant flowers atop them. I wish I had as many as she does!!
Anyways, other new students include Sadie and Garrett (more about him later). Emerald we dropped off at class first, and she ran in and started playing, didn't look back once.
Gabriel we dropped off next--he was curious more than anything else, and I really worried about him, but his teacher said he was the sweetest little boy all day, and when I showed up, he was asleep in the swing.
After I got out of class, I went and got them back--Emerald started fussing the moment she saw me and insisted I pick her up. Her teacher said she wouldn't take a nap until she said "Pat, hold!" and her teacher Ms Pat rocked her to sleep =) She apparently was more fussy than Gabriel, and is being really clingy now.
We gathered all our stuff little Garrett (just precious little blonde haired boy, and the only baby I have ever seen that is bigger than Emerald) jumped up and ran to the door where Emerald was leaving yelling "BYE!! BYE!" and blowing Emerald kisses. Emerald, always the cool customer turns to him and says "Bye, Jake". Oooh, cool use of the "wrong name", doll ;)
All in all, we are looking forward to a great year!