I know most people are like, "so what? Big deal--kids love corn"
Not my little girl.
It was the one thing she just would not touch whenever we offered it to her. She didn't outright hate it, she just showed zero interest in it.
The parenting books all told me to just keep offering it, and don't make a big deal if she doesn't eat it. It said it could take up to 15 times of seeing the food before they might try it, and don't give up hope.
Well, out of nowhere last night, she eats her entire serving of steamed corn! I was so proud of her!!
As an aside--I know a lot of people argue that if my family hadn't made such a big deal out of it when I was growing up, I would probably love mayonnaise, or even tolerate it today. So you know, mayonnaise is the very devil of creations, and since it is literally one of the worst foods you can put inside your body, I will stick by my "My mommy doesn't make me eat mayonnaise!". Blech :-&
:-) lol you crack me up. I am glad to hear she is eating her corn.