I apologize for not having written in so long--re-adjusting to our former lives, pre-vacation, has been more difficult than I had reackoned, including frequent updates on the small details of our lives! I promise to try harder, however. =)
This past Monday was the annual company picinic for Scoggin-Dickey, which Michael works at now--have I forgotten to mention that? We are so very thankful that he does, because it means that he no longer works the late, late hours he did before.
Either way, it was held at Joyland, the Disney Land of the great plains ; )
The kids, Michael and I, as well as Gram and Pawpaw attended.
We went the year before, since Ken works there as well, but I was pregnant with Gabriel at the time, and Emerald was too young to really enjoy any of the rides--not so this time!
Dinner was pretty good--it was fried catfish and fried chicken, with peach and cherry cobblers and giant cakes for dessert. We were all very surprised when Emerald chowed down on the fried catfish, but it didn't manage to hold her attention for very long. I met some very nice co-workers of Michael's.
Post-dinner, it was time to head on into the park to enjoy some good ol' fashioned carnival rides. Oh, boy.
Her and I went on this antique car ride, where the cars go around in a tight circle, and you get to haphazardly swerve the steering wheel and hold down numerous obnoxious sounding horn buttons until the ride is over. Next to the merry-go-round and behind the obscenely loud roller coaster, Emerald walked away all smiles, and Mama walked away all severe migraines.
After that, Daddy took her on the Merry-Go-Round. She had SO much fun--she was wavin at us on the side-lines, and grimacing everytime the horsey went up...Michael said that near the end, she was yelling "GO GO GO!" to the horse!
Once again Mama's turn to accompany her on a ride, we set up on a little pod car track, which looks pretty straight forward--all rides for kids this age go in circles. What we did not account for was the rocketing speed or wild pivoting the pod cars did--Emerald squealed with glee, and Mama was the proud owner of a migraine and nausea.
Don't even say it--I know, I am a serious wimp, and NO, I am NOT pregnant.
Finally, back to Daddy, he takes her on the helicopter ride, which adds the third demension of up and down to the ride--it goes in circles, and you can raise and lower your personal helicopter by yanking on the bar in front of you.
After that, I (being the big sissy I am) desperately wanted to go home, so we loaded up the kids and treked back to the house. Patrick brought me some advil and Michael got me a route 44 ice water from Sonic, and let me sit in the dark in my bath and let the meds kick in. I fell into a very deep sleep and woke up Tuesday morning right as rain!
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