Friday, August 26, 2011

My Husband

I have been feeling affectionate toward Michael lately--I get this way before I have the kids, because I feel so blessed and lucky to have such a great husband and friend in him, and having a baby together bonds you like no other. When the sleepless nights, waning patience, and short fuses of having a newborn takes over, it's nice to be able to look back and see all the things that make me just plain ol' like the guy.

So! Here, in no particular order (and far from all-inclusive list), are 20 things I love about my Mike!

  1. Regardless of the circumstances, no matter how he feels about me at the time or whether I deserve it or not, Michael always treats me with respect.
  2. Every day, he makes me beautiful, cherished, and loved.
  3. No matter what we are doing, we always have fun together; he can always make laugh.
  4. He works very hard at jobs he doesn’t like to provide for me and the kids, sticking with it even when it gets really discouraging.
  5. He truly adores his children, and is an amazing father; Emerald and Gabriel worship him, and even ECI raves about how great he is with them.
  6. He knows the most random, interesting things and it’s entertaining to listen to him talk; even if he doesn’t know about something, he can usually make up something pretty believable ;)
  7. Though I know how important a clean house is to him, he has never made me feel bad or gotten angry at me for not keeping a tidy house—when I am able to get stuff done, he always notices and thanks me; when I don’t, he never says a negative word about it J
  8. He genuinely gets along with my family, and makes a conscious effort to form bonds with them, and I think they all like him too.
  9. He is intellectually my equal (or maybe even smarter than I am), so we have the best discussions over every topic imaginable.
  10. . He is a good Christian man that comes from a good Church of Christ family; we share the same beliefs (for the most part; there are small things we disagree on, but he respects my views and I respect his) and agree how we want to handle our children’s spiritual development.
  11. For the most part, on most subjects, we agree and see eye to eye including our priorities and how we want to raise the kids; but even when we don’t, we have civilized discussions and come to compromises peaceably. He would never demean my point of view and keeps an open mind, sincerely listening to me.
  12. He is never too busy to listen to me pratter, chatter, complain, vent, rant, babble, or talk just for the sake of talking (and ask anyone that knows me—that is no small feat!)
  13. Even though he doesn’t like pets and doesn’t want them, he humors me in letting me have cats, and takes out their litter box so I don’t have to.
  14. I love his dorky taste in music, and how he gets into it singing and dancing with me and the kids J
  15. He never judges me, even when I say or think something just awful. I can be a negative, grumpy, pessimistic person and he doesn’t look down on me for that.
  16. Even at his angriest (and he can get pretty angry), he has never demeaned or belittled me in any way; he never swears or calls me names or yells, or loses control of his temper. I don’t worry that this argument might end us because there has never been a situation it felt like we couldn’t work through.
  17. I trust him fully, and he reciprocates--though we live together, we are able to maintain and respect one another’s privacy. He doesn’t burst in on me in the bathroom, dig through my emails or texts (though he has access to my laptop, phone, and all my passwords), or otherwise act paranoid or jealous; and I don’t feel the need to invade his privacy either.
  18. No matter how tired he is, he helps out after he gets home with whatever I need help with around the house, even if it is just letting me have a break from the kids.
  19. He’s super supportive of anything I want to do, willing to do what he can to help me achieve my goal and rooting for every step of the way.
  20. He makes me feel very safe; not just because he is my protector and I know he would do anything to defend me and the kids, but because he refuses to let me feel or act like a victim. He taught me how to stand up for myself, to not back down, and to fight if I need to J
Mike is a pretty neat fella. I am really lucky to have him!!

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