I am the most contrary pregnant woman on the face of the planet. It's true.
My first doctor's appointment was with Dr. Killeen, just a routine check-up. When I went in there, the nurse gave me iron supplements because I am "borderline anemic". (I hate the word borderline now). Anemia means that my iron is low, which increases my chances of having a blood transfusion during or after delivery. Neat.
When Dr. Killeen came in the room, he wanted to talk to me about my platelet count. I had thought this was related to the low iron, but I was mistaken. Apparently I have what is known as pregnancy related idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. For some inexplicable reason, I have started to create an antibody that is destroying my platelets--the element of my blood that
causes it to clot.
Once again, this is just borderline--it would be more worrisome if it were lower, but I fall into the category of having the condition. Apparently, not a really big deal since the protocol for when you discover ITP is to perform a c-section, which I am having anyway. Doesn't make any sense to me--she is having trouble clotting? Slice her open!--but Dr. Killeen explained it's because the antibodies can be transferred to the baby during delivery, causing a hematoma. The pediatrician will have to keep an eye on Benjamin after he is born for that reason.
Symptoms of ITP are bruising easily and bleeding excessively when cut, which we have actually noticed and not cared about in the last several months. So, not a big deal, but something else the doctor worries about. They check my platelets every week until I have the baby and if the numbers don't go up, they give me a shot to help.
Because of all that and the nagging gestational diabetes crap, Dr. Killeen said that at the very latest Ben will delivered Friday of next week. We are still scheduled for Tuesday (the 31st), but if he fails the amnio then I will be given a steroid shot and we will have him Thursday or Friday (the 1st or 2nd).
Straight from that appointment we did the blood work (whoot) and went to Dr. Hales office, where we did the NST. Benjamin is always great for those, so it went quickly and looked great. Immediately after the NST, we had a Dr. Hales appointment.
Benjamin's about 6 lbs, 9 oz--the same weight Emerald and Gabriel were when they were born. Of course, they can't measure fat so who knows exactly how big this kid is, but it looks like he's going to be perfect :)
Now the bad news. Because of COURSE there is bad news. I am the world's suckiest pregnant lady, remember? A great big danged inconvenience.
The nurse grew concerned as she was taking measurements, and went to call Dr. Hales in. Apparently, my amniotic fluid is low.
What the heck!?
Common side effect of gestational diabetes: high amniotic fluid levels. High; not low. Just like another side effect is gaining too much weight, and I still can't gain a pound. Everything about me is backwards.
Dr. Hales said if the baby had been a girl, I would have left his office and gone straight to be delivered. Thank goodness it's not a girl!! But because boys develop slower, we don't want to risk taking him too early, especially without having done an amnio.
They were going to go ahead and do the amniocentesis today, which made me nervous (those things HURT), but Dr. Hales was certain that it would be a waste of time since Benjamin would fail. Little guy just isn't quite there yet.
So for the next few days, I am supposed to relax and take it easy, drink a ton of water, and have another sonogram on Friday when I have my NST. There are three possible outcomes:
1) My fluid will be back to normal. If it is, we will do the amnio on Monday, as originally planned.
2) My fluid will be the same as it was today, still a little low, and they will perform the amnio on Friday.
3) My fluid will be lower than it was today. They will admit me to the hospital where I will have to stay for the weekend and have the amnio as planned on Monday.
Why can't we just agree that my body is weird and does weird things and ignore it?! Why's everything got to be a deal?!
I have no idea what they mean by "take it easy". Hopefully it includes banging my head against a wall, because that's what I feel like doing. If this is not God's way of telling me I am a lousy pregnant lady, I just don't know what is.
Anyways, didn't mean to complain. Just frustrated. Next week at some point, Mike and I will have a new baby boy. Very excited, can't wait.
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