In other news, wish us luck. We are trying a solution to our "night terror" problem tonight (aka, our darling children's Big Move to the Big Bed, yick).
Basically, ever since the kids started going to daycare, Michael and I have not been blessed with more than 20 straight minutes of sleep in one stretch.
Emerald, who had the same problem last year when she started at Greenlawn, has been sleep wandering the halls screaming for her Daddy. And, if you have never slept with 40 lbs of pure kicking toddler fury, you know it is unpleasant.
Gabriel has been more of an issue for me, personally. He seems to be fine during the day, but at night, he refuses to be out of touching distance of Mom, which leaves Michael to deal with the squalling Rampage. Gabriel doesn't just want to be close to me, however--oh, no--he wants to be able to smell me, run his fingers through my hair, nuzzle my cheek. Which sounds cute, but he kicks and fusses, and the moment he moves outside my embrace, he lets out a wail so piercing, so traumatizing, that I am certain every one in Lubbock heard it. That's right--my son is the butt heard round the world.
To confound matters, they are both sick...I believe it is a result of poor sleep, teething, and drainage, but they can't breathe at night, which means that any sleep Michael and I could squeeze in between being terrorized by infants is through the sound of phlemy snoring and infrequent, audible throat clearing.
Wish us luck--mama has a plan =)
If it makes you feel better, there screams haven't yet reached our apartment.-Beth