Emerald turned 2 years old on Friday! If you don't want to read this rambling post, I would jump down to the next entry and read the "at a glance" entry!
I had class in the morning, but Michael had taken the whole day off, which was good news for Emerald--she always has such a great day when he is home. I was having kind of a bad week personally because I had put all this effort into planning all her parties and organizing all this and that and my camera breaks, meaning that I can't get any pictures of all my hard work.
So, after class, Michael takes me (and Miss Kristin comes along) and buys me a new camera as a special Momma day present! I think I like this idea--I mean, 2 years ago, I went through bringing her into this world, and have made it through another year molding her...anyway, I like the idea of a present for me!
My parents arrive a little after we get home--they have travelled the 8 hours across the state to make it to her birthday! So Oma and I head over to Gram's to start decorating for the party.
Gram (Rhonda) makes southwestern eggrolls, tortilla chips, salsa and white queso, sea salt bagel chips, pita crisps, and deli roll ups. I, on the otherhand, foolishly try to force health into a child's birthday party, and tediously chop up apples, peaches, strawberries, oranges, and pineapple (taking care to make the apples in the shape of hearts and the pineapple in the shape of stars). I squeezed lemon juice over all of it, and it turned out really yummy!
I laid the yellow table cloth, then realizing I wasn't crazy about it and covering it in shiny metallic Hello Kitty stickers. Rhonda and Shelley draped the light with crepe paper, and I hung the poster I made for Emerald's Special Day at school. I put the cake on the table, surrounded by Hello Kitty sunglasses, as well as neon pink plates, cups, and napkins. Rhonda makes enough tea for the rest of the year =)
I went home and showered, and brought Michael and Grampa (Danny) back with me. By then, people are starting to arrive, and we can't expect Emerald to hold out much longer. People have been snacking since they got there anyway, so we take her in to open presents.
First is the present from Grannymom and Daddad--granimals deep purple shoes, a purple flower-dy outfit, a pink pooh bear outfit, and disney princess pajamas. Being very girly, Emerald LOVES new clothes.
She then opens the present from Mom and Dad--an Disney Princess Aquadoodle. Basically, it's pretty, special paper that is pale pink that you hang on the wall. It makes great for decoration! Anyways, there is a pen that comes with it that you fill with water, and it only draws on this special paper, and it's marks fade over time so that you can use it over and over again. Now she can color on the walls without getting in trouble! She also got a Strawberry Shortcake coloring book and Hello Kitty coloring book from us--she loves art.
Oma and Grampa sewed her a sweet little shirt-dress that she looks sooo cute in, and Grampa built her a cradle for her baby dolls. It was so funny when she saw it--its the same color as the bed that my parents built her for Christmas, so she was determined to lay down in it! We were just rolling laughing. But it goes very well with the rest of her room--pale yellow, and so sweet.
Gram and Pawpaw got her a toy kitchen--last year, they got her the door, so they are helping build her a house! The kitchen has a little sink, and a stove where the front burner glows red and makes boiling sounds, and the back burner glows and makes cooking noises. It comes with little pots and pans and utensils and all sorts of pieces--she is soo intrigued by it, and loves playing "mommy".
Great Granny and Papa were not able to make it, but they got her a Barbie tricycle. She adores it all ready--its so girly and she can zoom all around the house! She's is sweet peaches. =)
Miss Sara, Miss Kristin, and AJ were all able to make it, as well as Cousin Macy (Sydney had a volleyball game in Roswell, so her parents were with her there), and Andrew and Angie showed up near the end.
Emerald is a huge advocate of all things cake, so she had a lot of fun there, and while she was eating cake, Michael helped Gabriel open his present. We would ideally like to buy both kids presents on each other's buirthdays, one day getting them to pick gifts out for each other so that they are thinking about their family on their birthday. This year, we got Gabriel "Mr Brown Can Moo, Can You?", as well as miniature football and basketballs.
All in all, great party!! Lots of good food, family, and happy little girl! =)
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