Thursday, September 24, 2020

Guest Writer: Michael - ABLE

I've been struggling with the best way to approach this, and I've come to the solution that honesty and simplicity is probably the best approach.

Its no secret that taking care of these kids and their needs takes a financial toll.  And we are fortunate and blessed enough to have family and friends that occasionally (or some more regularly) help us with that toll.

Gabe receives a small SSI payment every month to help cover costs. If our assets reach a certain level, he loses that.  Its never been a concern, really as every dollar we earn goes right back into providing and taking care of the family.

However it brings us to a position where we qualify for an ABLE account for Gabriel. Any funds that go into this account do not count against his benefits.  What's more, it is an account that can accept donations online.  It is also the only way we can save for future emergencies or for Gabe's future at all without risking risking SSI or insurance.

I've found myself in the position over the years where I was too proud to accept outside assistance. I've grown past this and simply become grateful for my loving friends and family who wish to help out.

I am not asking anyone to make a donation, I simply want to put this information out into the world. If you want to chip in to help with bills or groceries or rent, or to help secure the future for Gabe, this is a very easy and convenient way to do so.

Many of you have been following our family for years. We appreciate each and every one of you.


Account Number:


Owner's Last Name:


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