and seeking out companionship. His very first smile was for his Big Sister, Emerald,
because I sincerely doubt there is a single person in the world that adores him more than
she does. She is forever giving him kisses, loving on the baby with hugs and trying to
hold him, reading to him, sharing toy, and generally trying to make sure his life is as happy
as humanly possible.
He enjoys watching Baby Miracles, including Jonah and the Whale--its a video of kid's singing
church songs and classical music to the story of Jonah, as well as live videos of the things
Jonah would have seen while he was sinking

Mike likes to play a game with him called Tooty Airplane--since he is literally the gassiest baby there ever was, Michael flies him around the house increasing the speed every time he toots. Gabriel loves it--he thinks his daddy is so funny.

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