Friday, June 16, 2017

She's a Natural

People think parenting is instinctual.

I have to assume they base this on observing nature. Look at God’s creation, who know exactly what to do to care for their young! Surely man, who was made in God’s own image, is even better equipped to rear their offspring!

This only works of course if you don't look too close. Black bear mothers, for instance, are lauded as one of most protective and nurturing, but will often deem single births as not worth the time investment and will push singlets outside the cave before going to sleep and trust the situation to resolve itself. Pandas will choose the most promising offspring and ignore the other completely, devoting all her time and energy into her favorite.

There are many species that treat their young callously, making you wonder how their kind has managed to survive at all. It is no surprise then that the extent to which humans are inherently nurturing extends precisely to not eating our babies when they are born and not much further.

I have mentioned before that I myself was not born maternal.

My mother likes to recount the story of a Christmas when I was small that I received a babydoll. This was a special babydoll that made crying noises, just like a real baby! I named him Christopher, and before all the wrapping paper had been picked up from the floor, I had stuffed the squalling nuisance in a drawer and left the room.

If you had asked me when I was younger if I wanted children, it would have stumped me. Honestly, I never thought about it. I liked names--Stephen and Varian for boys, Scarlett and Charlotte for girls. Names were pretty and interesting, things I enjoyed studying. Children were scary and unpredictable and more than a little gross. I went out of my way to avoid interaction.

Cousins tempered me a little. Jacob was close to me in age so he was more of a peer, but the rest were considerably (nine or more years) younger. Jessica it took me the longest to warm up to. Justin was always wanting to do stuff and be outside and move. I didn't see Sean very often, but he was sweet and didn't bother me excessively.

Tyler, who Benjamin reminds me a lot of, was probably the one sounds harsh to say “tolerated”, but it is somewhat apt. I loved all of them, but Tyler was the easiest to spend time with for a while. He would get a stack of books and sit in my lap and twirl my hair while I read to him. This was the kind of kid I could handle.

When Emerald came along, it was like handing me a rubix cube with a bomb inside.

I never baby talked to her. It was matter-of-fact speech. “Hello, infant. I am your mother.”

Had she known better, I'm sure she would have been terrified.

She didn't though, and so we set on the path of learning together. Nursery rhymes were not in my wheelhouse, so she was lulled to sleep by Mom crooning Matchbox Twenty and Queen. Growing up Church of Christ was a boon because I had a positively endless trove of worship songs memorized.

One particular afternoon, I sang “Down to the River to Pray” (from the “O Brother Where Art Thou” soundtrack) for an impressive four hours, inviting every familial name I could invoke to “let’s go down, come on down”. It kept her from crying at least until Michael got home.

We didn't play games like peek-a-boo or hide-and-seek. I explained to her what I was doing, showed her how things worked. I shared facts with her about everything--things we saw on walks, the nutritional value of food we were eating (if any), the science or history behind everyday items.

Eventually we amassed a collection of children's books, but before then, I read aloud to her whatever I was reading, be it scripture, textbooks, or classical literature.

And let's just say, people like me are the reason there are instructions on the side of the diaper box.

She and I didn't know what to expect from each other, so we learned with and from one another.

As a child, I spent a lot of time around animal babies. Mostly cats, my Sassi having a litter of darling kittens what seemed like every few months, but also chicks and ducklings, little bunnies and puppies and goats. All those that were born at our house knew right away had to find their mom for food, even with their little eyes and ears still shut.

Why then was breastfeeding so inexplicably, intricately difficult? With each new kid, it was like riding a bike. Except the bike is on fire, you’re on fire, everything is on fire and you’re in hell.

A lot has changed in the decade since Emerald was born. She taught me a great deal, the least of which is every subsequent kid is a totally new creature. You'll feel as inept and out of your element trying to figure out each new little person.

I remember bringing Gabriel home, thinking I was officially old hat at this newborn thing, when he ended up peeing all over my living room wall during a diaper change. (Gotta watch those boys; I know this now.)

It serves us well to start parenthood out as a blank slate, I think. Excessive programming would have made it that much harder to acclimate to the unusual circumstances each of us face in our unique children. It helps us stay innovative, trying new and different things in an attempt to nurture these lives we have been entrusted with in better ways.

If you had told a fifteen year old me that I would turn into mush over a baby, I would have thought you were crazy. But Tula here transforms me into a pile of mashed potatoes, she's so cute. I have a virtual arsenal of nursery rhymes and lullabies (though I still sing my fair share of Queen), and a closet chock full of picture books to share with her.

And would you know it, I coo and baby talk with the best of them.

There's still so much more to learn, though. This is the first baby I've had that was mama’s--she cries if I'm not holding her constantly. Even Michael has trouble getting her happy sometimes.

And would the powers that be just decide what is safe and just leave it at that? I just read an article the other day on why you definitely should not use Dreft laundry soap for your infant. I didn't even know babies needed different laundry soap until two kids ago!

Like any vocation you dedicate yourself to, you are going to get better. I have spent the last ten years perfecting my craft at a rate of nearly 24 hours a day.

People often ask how I do it--how I know what Gaby is thinking or what he needs, how I wrangle one kid while nursing another while making a plate and calculating carbs and taking a phone call and baking an award winning pie (yeah, right. Like we get pie).

Hey, I guess I was just born for it.

Yup. This is good.


Monday, June 12, 2017

Of Bears and Birthdays

I don’t know why I like the things I like, I know I just do.

If I dug down deep, I could probably come up with some justification. I’m pretty decent at making stuff up, so I could spin some tale or give some pretty reasoning, explain away why my favorite color is gold, why I love carnations, or why I never get tired of “Iris” by Goo Goo Dolls or the movie Big Fish. The truth is usually just “it makes my brain happy”.

A while back, I read that the reasons you like your favorite animal are what attracted you to your spouse. So, clever me decides to be sneaky and ask Michael all casual like what his favorite animal is and why.

He considered, then picked the great gray owl.


Because, he says,
  1. They have these teeny bodies under a ridiculous amount of floof.
  2. They screech to demand attention.
  3. And everyone thinks they are wise, but they’re secretly big idiots.

He had no idea why I smacked him and stormed to bed.

My favorite animal is a bear. The breed varies from day to day; some days I like the huge laziness of the ussuri bears, others the playful antics of the panda. Today I am partial to the sun bear of southeast Asia.  


I don’t know why I like bears any more than I know why I cry at every church song that references the “fountain”. I just do. Even the reasons I can think of--fat, furry, and lazy--can be attributed to countless other species. When I think about them, my brain is happy.

Michael, of course, knows this. So for the last several months, he has been plotting and planning.

Today is my 30th birthday, you see. 2017 is kind of a big year for me all around--first I had TJ, then I turned the big 3-0. In November, Michael and I celebrate our 10th anniversary. It is a year of exciting things.

Michael wanted to take me to see bears.

There were a lot of ways he could accomplish this--we could plan a trip to a national park like Yellowstone, or to bear sanctuaries. There is a bear habitat in Waco.

Tula was...not precisely on the agenda, and her much celebrated birth complicated matters slightly. I cannot travel far from her for a while, and cannot leave her for long.

His hands thus restrained, he started researching options closer to home.


The Abilene Zoo (for a reasonable price) offers VIP tours for certain animals. Most commonly requested are the camels and rhinos, the giraffes, and the reptiles; they said they had never had a bear request before.

Michael set everything up, got my mother to watch the boys and the baby, and this afternoon we
went to meet the bear.


The bear-taker (heh) met us at the gift shop and took us back to the commissary to prepare a snack for the their only bear, an American black named Teddy. While we walked, she told us his story--he is 25, which is old for a bear. They usually only live to be 30 in captivity, 10 in the wild. Teddy came to them seventeen years ago with one other bear, BooBoo, after being donated by a private owner. BooBoo choked to death on a bone, and two females were donated. They passed on as well and they got Boris from an SPCA raid near the Houston area. He lived with Teddy until he died of congestive heart failure. Teddy is alone now, which doesn’t seem to bother him. Bears are solitary in the wild.


Before we got to the commissary, we passed by the hospital and holding areas, as well as the animals she said were part of the “educational department”. Besides bears, I am also partial to cats and to donkeys. I love the way donkeys yell to get attention. Imagine my delight when I heard a donkey hollering at us! His name was Donkey, but I called him Professor Donkey because he was educational. There was a sign hanging beside him that said “I have developed bad habits; please do not feed me no matter how much I beg.” He liked getting scritches on his scruffy donkey head and apparently has a rivalry with the goats.

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Teddy eats omnivore pellets that kind of look like dog food, plus fresh fruits and veggies and fish. They scatter it over his enclosure so that he will have to forage for it, make him move around a bit so he doesn’t get too chunky and lazy. We prepared little silver fish for him, plus grapes and an ear of corn. She said he doesn’t like bananas or kale.


We went around to the bear enclosure to see if he would come around and see us. The best thing I learned was that he has a hammock he likes to sleep in (pictured above). During the winter, they lay hay out for him and cover his hammock in hay, and he scrapes it together into a pile to make a pallet. I asked if he needs to hibernate, and she said that he doesn’t because it doesn’t get cold enough here for him to need to. He just eats a ton more in the fall to prepare, and then his appetite drops back down when winter hits.

They weigh him once a month to make sure he isn’t getting too heavy; right now, he is just over 400 pounds. He is generally in good health, but has arthritis due to his age, so he has to be on a couple medications--he gets to take them in meatballs. On Thursdays, he gets a whole fish. She told us they also have him trained so they can brush his hair because he’s so fuzzy he gets mats in his fur.

Finally, it was time to meet the man of the hour!


He was sleeping in his cave when we came around, which I can hardly blame him for--it was 90 degrees and 2 in the afternoon; where better place for an old man to be than napping?

We threw corn and grapes at him, watching his breath get faster because he heard us and smelled the food. After a few minutes, he grudgingly rolled over and came out to see what we wanted.

He was very pleased with the snack we brought for him. The guide said that he is a little hard of hearing and doesn’t always hear them when they try to wake him up, so sometimes they have to stand on top of his enclosure and call him to get him up.


He’s a short and stocky thing, which I like--it is endearing. While tossing grapes, I accidentally bonked him right on the head. He looked like he was just a happy, easy going guy; she told me he is a real sweetheart.

It was such a great birthday surprise. Michael was amazing for doing all this work and putting it together for me just so I could meet a bear. I had an awesome time, a perfect way to celebrate three decades of Andie

