Name: My name is Emerald. "Emerald" means precious jewel. On 9/11/2007 I was born and I got my name. Mom and Dad liked the name so they got it for me.
Age: I am 8, going on 9.
I will turn 9 this September. We are having a "holiday mash-up" thing. I want it to all-day or something. Sunshine toast, eggs, and bacon for bretfisk. Then we go open present Christmas themed, where we're like "Santa came!" We play outside with water, then we have little snacks and cookies for lunch. We play green stuff for a while. Then turky and gravy and stuff for dinner. We watch fireworks, then me and Ben play tablet. That will be my birthday.
Nickname: My friend Ellie calls me Emmy, Glo calls me Em, and sometimes Mom calls me Emmy-Lou.
Grade: Going into third grade.
I just love green. Not light, sweet kelly green. Deep, rich green, the color of emeralds. You can tell just by knowing my name and what it means. I mean like emeralds are green. I do not like light green.
I love my Pikachu. I got him the Christmas before last Christmas. And Puff, who is a poler bear. have had him as long as I can remember. I sleep with him every night unless I'm at someone else's home. [Puff is a stuffed polar bear the size of Emerald that her Uncle Patrick got for her maybe five years ago. It is filthy and well-loved.]
I love the McNinja comics because they're funny and awesome.
[Emerald reads anything and everything she can get her hands on. I took her to the Abilene Friends of the Library book sale for the first time this year--she doesn't have the endurance yet of a committed bibliophile, but she shows promise. Her choices of books ranged from a book on extraordinary Texas women to a literary composition book to a Christmas cookbook, from poetry to how to go green, and half a dozen more. She prefers nonfiction. Lately she has taken to carrying a dictionary everywhere with her so she can read it while we are driving or waiting or whatever.
She is also absolutely fascinated by the Bible; she has one that has historical facts, definitions, cultural explanations, and other random trivia. It is her go-to reading material and it has been well worn with use.]
"Angel with a Shotgun" [by The Cab] is really cool. Good rythem, catchy tune. Daddy once introduced it to me while taking me to school. And ever since Dad told me about it, "Hamilton" has been my favorite musical.
[That child listens to the Hamilton soundtrack every day, all day long. She sings "Helpless" and knows every word to "You'll Be Back". The video I have of her getting dressed up and putting on a talent show for me and Michael where she sang that was priceless.]

I love Zootopia, witch is about a bunny who is a cop, and she tracks down savage animals. My favorite show is Pokemon, which is about little monsters being trained by people. That's so cool.
I love speggeti and meatballs with cooked mushrooms. It's really good.
[Wow, I am surprised that she didn't go into more detail than that. A lot of the joy of eating went out of her when she was diagnosed. We seemed to be cresting the hill where she now knows how low blood sugar feels and how high blood sugar feels, and it is unpleasant enough that she is getting averse to really sweet or carby things. She isn't acting quite as starving hungry as she has in the past. She always eats with gusto and does prefer certain foods over others.
Our rule was that she could pick three foods she doesn't have to eat; I will not make those foods for her, and I will respect that. The trade off is that she can't complain about any of the other foods I give her that she doesn't care for. She chose Yogurt, Applesauce, and Guacamole. I tend to honor the intent there and not give her sour cream as well, but if it is mixed into something, I will warn her.]
Pokemon. I just love Pokemon. It's really cool. These cool fighting tiny monsters being raised by people and becoming BFFs. [She would probably like to watch more tv than she does, but when given the choice, she would almost always rather read than watch a show.]
Reading, writing, video games, etc etc etc. They're just so...ME, ya know? I'm probably the writer of my family. [I could agree with that sentiment. Activities: she plays a lot outside. She's very imaginative and is always coming up with games to play. If she is playing with other kids like her brothers or friends, she wants to be in charge and have everybody listen to her. In the instances where they do not want to do that, she gets frustrated and annoyed.
Keeping her outside playing is kind of hard. If her blood sugar is over 350, it can actually do damage to her blood vessels and organs if she is running around too much; plus she feels just lousy. If it is low, below 60, she is lethargic and too weak to play. She also hates being hot or getting sweaty or the "sun getting in her eyes"--I bought her sunglasses and a hat, try to let them play with the hose or with water guns as often as I can. But still, she would much rather play in our dark, cold house.]
Roblox, Minecraft, that kind of stuff. They're really cool. Building, gaming. I love that.
[She has to be closely monitored when she plays because Roblox, she can talk to other real people. She would get into the general chat bar and yell out "Creed, it's Emerald! Are you on?", trying to find her friends from school. Now she can't play in her room for fear she is talking to strangers.
We have taught her the basics of internet safety, but honestly it is just easier for her to play on the console where she is in the main family room of the house with people walking in and out and where she can't talk to other people.]

Video games, books, family, friends, etc etc etc. I love them because video games and books lead to adventure; family and friends are important.
Guacamole, yogurt, applesauce [see what I told you?], mayo, that stuff. They are SO GROSS!
They're disgusting and I hate them.

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