(I swear that's the title, and pen name, the crazy girl chose for herself. Below is a submission from our burgeoning authoress.)
Once in a fa away place called Magicland, Princess Lila woke up feeling depressed. She did not know why. The fairy tree sparkled as little fairys skipped and flew out of the fairy tree. Janice the rainbow was playing with her friend an recitin a poem about a basket of kittens. Also strawberry the pink butterfly was giving out chocolate-covered strawberries to people.
Lila did not know why she was so depressed. Then she saw a flash of darkness outside.
"Ugh, it's my older brother Theadore." Lila thought. "He's always causing trouble. He's such a pain."
Then she said "I wonder what he is up to this time." The last time he caused trouble, he "accidentally" let a evil pegases out in the world. So she decided she must do something.
When she packed a flashlight, a compass, and a wistle, she went to French Fry Forest. She saw a mouse with a coat. She cried because the poor little mouse only had the coat. She was crying so much just because that was the only thing she had. So Lila gave the mouse more stuff, and then finally she went to Gardian Gumdrop Graves's house. He was upset because his dessert wasen't sweet enough. So Lila put sugar on his dessert.
Then she went to her brother's secret hideout and found out that Theadore was trying to make his hideout darker, and a flash of the dark got in Magicland. Lila threw away the dark ad went home.
The End
(Blessings from our family to yours.
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