It is hard to write about myself--it is much easier to brag on my wonderful husband or darling children than it is to talk about me. I am a woman of extremes. When I am happy, the whole world is happy with me, especially my family. The children are better behaved, everyone has a better day, and we live in cheerful harmony and love. When I have a bad day though, my surly disposition sets the tone for everybody else. I always feel guilty because then Michael has to work double-time trying to bring me out of my slump. Luckily, for the most part I work very hard to maintain a sunny disposition and keep everything bright :)
I am 25 years old; my nicknames are Mama, Gingerbready, Dee, Dandy, Dandy-Dee, and Andie (thought you knew my real name, didn'tcha?)
My Favorites
Games: Fallout!
Fallout 3 by Bethesda came out and Philip Lopez (a friend of ours from college) swore by it. We bought it and....hated it. It was so blah and colorless and boring and we didn't know where to go and it just wasn't our thing.
So a few months later, we try it again. And it is amazing! How did we not like this the first time?! It is such a rich and fulfilling experience!! It is set in the ruins of Washington DC years after a nuclear attack; you are a vault dweller that ventures out to explore scorched wastelands and struggling communities, fight off ghouls and super mutants and irradiated creatures that have gone mad and rabid....ahh!! It is too awesome for words.
And then, glory of glories...Fallout New Vegas, published by Bethesda but developed by Obsidian....
Oh, my.
This game is hands down my favorite ever. It is everything I want in a game: light RPG, action, adventure, a little bit of fear mixed in...sure, real nerds will point out that when the game came out, there were some pretty significant bugs. But I didn't fall in those bugs because I don't suck, and I know I have never had more fun than when I was playing this game.
Other games I like: Oblivion, Skyrim, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Bioshock 1 and 2, and Forza 4.
Activities: My latest craze is crafting--I crochet mostly, but I learning how to knook (knit with crochet hooks) and knit; I would like to get a sewing machine so that I can start making simple things like pillows and curtains and skirts. I also cross-stitch though I haven't gotten to do it in years. I like to cook but I have been working on my baking lately. As mentioned, I play a bit of video games--the best time to play is when you are up late nursing a new baby (Oblivion got me through Emerald's sleepless nights; Fallout 3 through Gabriel; Skyrim for Benjamin).
Of course my favorite since I was a wee girl has always been reading. I adore to read, anything and everything--books about history, science, nutrition, philosophy, religion; novels in every genre you can think of (except erotica, which is just gross to me); plays and poetry and Nook is overflowing with books queued up, hundreds of books waiting and hundreds I have all ready finished. Reading is a passion of mine and I sincerely hope it stays with me for life.
TV Shows: There are the shows I watch with Michael like "Merlin" (which has really gotten annoying of late) and "Doctor Who" (Chris Ecceston will always be my doctor, but I really do love David Tennant), plus Supernatural, The Office, Simpsons; things of that nature. I really enjoy all of those shows, and it is fun to share them with Michael. I also have the shows I watch all by myself, like Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Desperate Housewives, and Glee. I really love shows about medicine and doctors, though not all of them are winners. I don't really think I have a "favorite" TV show.
Food: Carnitas quesarito from Freebirds--I get carnitas, Spanish rice, pinto beans, mixed cheese, avocado, poblano salsa, and sour cream......mmmm, it is amazing. Hot wings, barbecue or spicy buffalo, though I really prefer the little drumsticks to the wing-wings. As anyone that knows me can attest, I am a shamefully picky eater. It is actually kind of easier for me to tell you what I don't eat rather than what I do; but I am trying to keep this positive and don't want to bring light to those things that I do not tolerate. More often than not, I try and eat healthy--even if I don't particularly care for it (like bananas or artichokes), I still eat them because they are good for me.
Campbell's potato soup; whole wheat toast with sugar free orange favorite pie is Key Lime, my favorite sweet treat is Ferrero raffaellos, and I will love just about anything peppermint flavored.
Movie: I love and want to believe in magic. Not like Harry Potter magic, witchcraft or wizardry, nor the slight-of-hand and illusions of modern performers. I want to believe that the world we live in is inherently and every day capable of more. Many of my favorites, including my favorite movie, reflect that love.
Big Fish
The whole movie is just beautiful and full of fancy alongside perfectly pedestrian everyday...I find it enchanting. Of course, I all ready adore Tim Burton for his whimsical style. Other movies I particularly enjoy: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Singing in the Rain.
Songs: Since I was 13, my favorite song has been "Iris" by Goo Goo Dolls. It just appeals to me on many levels, even associated as it was with a rather lousy movie. I pretend the movie doesn't exist as much as I am able. Ludovico Einaudi is a love of mine. Queen is my favorite band. I also like Pink, Matchbox Twenty, Goo Goo Dolls, Joshua Radin, Garth Brooks, Newsboys, Fall Out Boy, Aerosmith, Dave Matthew's Band, and All American Rejects.
Currently, most of what I listen to is Christian--the kids enjoy it and I don't worry about them picking up something they shouldn't. Chris Tomlin and Matthew West are really great.
Books: For most of my life, my favorite book was "Little Women" by Louisa May Alcott. Don't get me wrong, I still adore that book; last year, however, I read a novel that really blew me away. It made a profound impact on me and rushed to becoming my favorite book of all time.
"One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
His style of writing is so artistic and lovely, combining that element of natural magic that makes scenes that much more moving. As an example: when the patriarch of the family Aureliano Buendia passes away, yellow flowers rain from the sky for three days, carpeting the entire fictional city of Macondo in petals.
Seriously, you guys--if you have not read this book; do it! "Love in the Time of Cholera" was fantastic too, but this book is so, so much more.
I also have worn my way through nearly ten copies of "The Baby Name Wizard" by Laura Wattenberg. It is the best baby name book on the market and really fueled my obsession with onomastics.
Color: Gold; it is irrepressible and lasting, symbolizing balance, wisdom, and immutability. Sure, it comes on a little strong and some people find it tacky, but to me it is warm and unique.
Flower: Carnations; they date back more than 2000 years, the pink carnations are said to have sprung from the Virgin Mary's tears at the foot of the cross, symbolizing a mother's undying love. I like them because of their delicate scent, soft shape, and unassuming beauty--my favorites are the whites (which symbolizes pure, innocent love) with tinted edges of yellow, pink, or red.
I am a stressed out mom that expects to be able to do everything--definitely a cliche, but there is a reason mothers work themselves to the bone. We want to give our children the best of everything, the greatest shot of growing up to be well-rounded, contented, kind people that can do anything if they just work hard enough. As I spend more time with the kids, where I start as an individual and who I am as their mom starts to blur more and more; I adore them and they are my life, but I don't want to forget who and what I am. I want to remember that I have a mind of my own, a life of my own, outside of school events and nap times, even if just once in a while :)
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