Gabe took the longest time to get better, but he seems fine now. Well, he technically has the runny nose, watery eyes, sinus headache and cough attributed to allergies, which isn't surprising this time of year in Lubbock. He'll be better soon, and he seems to prefer this to the pooping.
Emerald is--as ever--sunshine and roses, and I adore her. She is technically being a two-year old toot. She is forever getting into things that she is not allowed to do, like climbing up on the back of the recliners to look at the window or throwing a box full of diapers at Mom because she's angry. She's still super precious though. Good stuff.
I realized when I started feeling better that my husband--while he takes super care of his sickly wifey--kind of let the house fall to the wayside, and my free time was devoted today to homework and housekeeping.
But hoot to good health!
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