We were going to eat outside on the patio, but it was still boiling hot at 7pm, so we moved it inside and made a buffet style meal set up in the living room.
Emerald thought everything on the table was something to dip her chips in, so she ran from cup to cup, dunking her soggy potato mush in everyone's sprite and french onion dip... gross girl!!
Sara Sue called half way though the party and stopped by to see us, which was a godsend--Gabriel had been incredibly tempermental all night and had not let Michael or me set him down at all, even to eat. He did, however, gravitate towards Sara (probably due to her baby-whisperer like essence from working with children so long). Emerald loves her being here too, and she ran from guest to guest, soaking up the loves.
It was a very tame party, even for us (the fairly unsocial little buggers that we are)--we ate dinner together while watching Men In Black, then Angie and I took the children on a walk to get them relaxed before bed (and hope that Angie's son will settle lower down), and everyone had cleared out by nine. Emerald and Gabriel were so tired from the busy day that they crashed fairly early, and the parents went to bed early to catch up on all the sleep Gabriel has been depriving us of.
It was nice to feel like more than just a parent (and in my case, a housewife) again. We may try and make it a weekly thing, though we may have to switch to meatless spaghetti if we are going to be feeding 6 adults once a week!
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