Ken and Rhonda were in Dallas until Sunday morning, so we held off and did the family Easter dinner in the evening instead, which worked just fine for us. In the morning, Michael, the kids, and I all just hung out until nap time.
During nap the "Easter bunny" came and left a trail of eggs leading to the kids' Easter baskets.
Emerald's basket was red with a yellow sunflower on it, and Gabriel's was green with a froggie on it. They are the baskets mom sent for them last year, but they are made out of felt and really sturdy, so I reused them this year instead of buying new baskets.
They each got a new outfit complete with shoes, a new sippie cup, play-dough, coloring book, crayons, and a bubble wand. I figured they would get enough candy everywhere else, so there was none of that.
Even Benjamin got something--
A brand new Carter's sleeper with blue bunnies all over, plus a blue bunny hat, and blue bunny booties! I think it's going to be his coming home from the hospital outfit =)
We still had a few hours before dinner, so we got out the new toys--Michael blew bubbles for the kids, and Emerald and I made things out of play-dough. We made a little Emerald girl and a pink turtle--
We dressed the kids in their new Easter outfits so that we could go over to Glo and Pawpaw's. Gabriel got a brown polo shirt with matching tan plaid shorts, and flip-flops that are really soft and have monkey faces. He looks really handsome in brown, but he looks a little morose when I took the picture.

Mike and I took them over to Glo and Pawpaw's after that to do some Easter egg hunting--there were quarters in some of the eggs, which means that Emerald now has enough money to buy a new Barbie in her savings. She has been so good--I have been paying her to help out around the house, picking up her toys and making it to the potty in time, stuff like that.
Some of the other eggs had jelly beans in them, and this turned out to work perfectly for us. Gabriel's hearing test is scheduled for June 8th, but he needs to be conditioned a bit before then. Luckily we all ready know how it is going to go down because Emerald had to go through it. Basically, Michael or I will sit in a booth with Gabriel and they will play a sound to the left, the right, or the center. The first couple of times, they will show a fun little light where the sound is coming from to get him used to turning his head toward the sound; then they will cut the sound out to see if he is still turning toward the sound.
The reason the jellybean eggs are perfect for this? I got this idea from ECI--I take one egg with jellybeans in it and one that is empty and I shake both. If he turns his head toward the one that is making the sound, I give him a jellybean. It teaches him to turn his head toward sound when he hears it, and rewards him for it. From these little at home tests, I am pretty sure the kid can hear at least a little.
We want Gabriel to be ready for this test because if he is unable to complete the booth hearing test, we will have to bring him back another day to run a sleep-deprived study, and I most certainly DON'T want to go through that hell of keeping him up all night again.
Before the Peacocks left town for the holidays, Beth brought big bags of eggs over for them, which was a real blessing--I was getting sick again and didn't have the energy to stuff eggs for the kids and I was worried about it. Only problem now is that Mom and Dad keep stealing Ande's mints from the kids, lol.
When we were done with the Easter egg hunt, we headed over to Steve and Melisa's for dinner--we had pot roast with the potatoes and carrots, plus rolls and green bean casserole, and this frozen banana treat that Grannymom made. It was kind of a Easter/birthday celebration because we haven't seen Steve and Melisa and the girls since probably Ken's birthday in January.
I remember back in January, I looked up and realized we hadn't seen Gabriel in a while. When he doesn't show up, everyone starts getting a little panicked--where the heck is this kid?! Rhonda and Ken are out in the yard calling for him, and I am about to break down and lose it...turns out the little monkey fart was hiding in the pantry and not answering us =/
Michael got his strawberry cheesecake for dessert, and both Michael and Gabriel got belated birthday presents--Michael got new work clothes and some money; Gabriel got a Jedi bear from build-a-bear that Macy made for him. We named it Kenobi because it is going to help Gabriel get used to the idea of having a little baby brother in the house (Kenobi went by Ben in the 4th movie? Anyways...)
So, I hope everyone had a fantastic Easter!