Grannymom and Daddad have been married for 50 years this month, so we had a little vacation up in the mountains with them to celebrate!
Ruidosa is a beautiful place, and we were all very excited to be going. Michael got two days off so that he could go to, and he was looking forward to getting away for the weekend, especially in the mountains as he misses living in Denver.
Friday marked the day that "Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim" came out. Michael knew how much I was looking forward to this game since it was announced, so he surprised me with it as a gift and packed the xbox for the trip so that I could play it while we were away :)
All of Thursday, I did laundry and packed bags, cleaned the house, and generally got everything ready to go. The Peacocks agreed to keep an eye on the pets for us while we were gone, which I greatly appreciated. Emerald kept talking about how she was going to go to the snowy mountains, not to the hot mountains, and how she was going to see deer and build a snowman...the only one more excited than she was was Michael, who just could not wait for the work day to end.
I know I am a lucky mama--my kids are wonderful on long car rides. They don't cry or fight, they're easily entertained with just staring out the windows and watching the scenery change; we scarcely have to stop, even for restroom breaks. For the most part, they are well-behaved and agreeable little kiddos.
Grannymom and Daddad--Michael's grandparents--met us at our house so that we could follow them up. We have a GPS navigation system for the van, but it is good to go in groups just in case something happens. Mike wanted to leave earlier than we did, but I didn't want to get out of bed at the crack of dawn so we got on the road about 9.
Stopping at McDonalds on the way out of town, I made the mistake of getting a peppermint mocha. It tasted just fine, but they made us park and wait 2o minutes before they brought it out to us--pretty ridiculous. I can't imagine how on earth it would have taken nearly a half an hour to prepare a single beverage, but as they continued serving everyone that was behind me, I could venture a guess.
On the way up, Michael and I mostly talked--as anyone that knows me can attest, I am definitely a talkative person. The chill of the early morning reminded us of morning marching practice when we were in the high school band (Michael played tuba; I was a trombone), and we talked books and comics and movies, while the kids ate their pancakes and drank their juice and watched Lubbock disappear in the rear view mirror. Ben mostly played peek-a-boo with me and smiled and flirted with his reflection in a toy mirror attached to his car seat.
When the flat plains gave way to the mountains, Emerald perked up and started chattering away as well. She was surprised that the mountains were covered in trees instead of snow, and would tell us stories about how the mountains grew sick and their mommy made them better, even though she had made them sick in the first place. Don't know how flatteringly that reflects on me, but it was quite creative, lol.
We stopped only once--in Roswell, we got out so that Emerald could use the restroom and Gabriel could stretch his legs, and we could change Ben. Mike got them a hot dog to split and we made a bottle for Benjamin, and kept on our way.
All in all, the drive up was easy and pleasantly passed. The only complaint I would have regarding that would be the precarious and narrow road that hugs the mountain on one side and boasts no guardrail on the sheer drop of the other side. That part I would consider a bit more harrowing than anything else, but of course we are fin--I am just a nervous nelly.
Rhonda, Ken, and Patrick had left much earlier than we did so that they could get the house ready; so when we arrived, Rhonda showed us around while Ken went and got pizza for lunch.
The house was simply amazing.
It was huge, with tons of windows that looked out at the beautiful dark blue mountains. When you walked in, there was a large dining room with a long wooden table to seat 8-10 on your left. In front of you was a living room with leather recliners and couch, a high round table, and a fireplace; to your right is a door leading to a deck-balcony with a huge grill, and a staircase that leads downstairs (to one beautiful bedroom), then further downstairs to another living room, bedroom, and laundry room.
The kitchen was probably my favorite room in the house--it was enormous, and (thanks to Rhonda) full of wonderful things to eat and drink.
They gave my little family the master bedroom, which was incredible. There was a glass door leading outside; we set up an inflatable mattress for Emerald and Gabriel to share in the corner, and a bassinet for Benjamin to sleep in next to the bed. The bathroom had a great big jacuzzi tub that Emerald thought was a swimming pool, and a shower with a built in bench and three showerheads. I have never stayed in such a nice room before.

After the tour of the house, we had pizza for lunch and hung out all afternoon. At one point, I tried to lay the kids down for a nap, but they would have none of it, so I let them lay down and watch a movie instead. Their favorite part was taking walks though--the weather was cool and beautiful. Gabriel found a walking stick, and it was cute to watch him toddle along, using his little stick for support. Of course, when Emerald saw that Gabriel had one, she wanted one as well. Michael, Ken, and Patrick went to a casino to hang out and have some guy time; Mike seemed to have such a great time.
Steve and Melisa, and their daughters Sydney and Macy (Mike's uncle, aunt, and cousins) had a basketball game, so they didn't come until late--after the kids and I had all ready gone to bed. For dinner, Rhonda made brisket and beans, potato salad, and rolls.
I love food. Though I am a relatively picky eater, I do very much enjoy food. That is why I am usually able to recall what we ate with more ease than what activities we did. But while the fare was awesome this time, that is not why it sticks out so vividly in my memory. I had worried that Gabriel would have trouble with the new place and so many people and more noise--he struggles with those kinds of situations normally. In Ruidoso, Gabriel's attitude and behavior were better than expected, and he handled them quite well; the only issue we had was that our usually agreeable eater became notably uninterested in eating. Oh, he was hungry, and we did feed him; but meal times were the only points of struggle for Mr. Gabe on this particular trip. Which is probably why I remember all our meals so well.
Anyways, at dinner Gabe was dragging so badly that halfway through I had to abandon my meal to take him to bed. Poor thing was exhausted, though it was only 6.30. We all ended up retiring early.
Saturday morning, I got up at Benjamin's first meal, at about 6, and we headed out in the main house around 6.30. Rhonda was making breakfast--a bacon quiche, biscuits and sausage gravy, and scrambled eggs. That was a lot of fun, helping her cook; I learned how to make quiche! I was hoping the kids would eat it a bit better so that I could introduce it into our meal rotation at home, but Gabriel showed no interest in eating when he got up and Emerald mostly picked at everything. Luckily, I got Gabe to eat a peanut butter granola bar.
I had told Emerald she could go "swimming" after breakfast, so we filled up the bathtub for her and Gabriel. Not thinking, I put some lavender bubble bath in it, which would have been fine until we turned on the jets--the churning water multiplied the bubbles until there were more suds than water in the bathtub. The kids of course loved it, especially since they got to sit in the shower and rinse off afterwards. I think Gabe liked the shower even more than the bath--Mike got soaked trying to keep Gaby from jumping up and down so he wouldn't fall and hurt himself!
Since we had all gone to bed so early, my little family hadn't gotten to see Steve and Melisa or the girls yet, so Emerald was thrilled to see them. Mostly, Emerald wanted to just play on Glo's iPad, which sort of stinks that I dragged all these toys all the way here and all the kids had better things to do, but meh. Rather be over-prepared than wish I had done more to pack.
Everyone wanted to go into town and walk around, but by mid-morning I was dead on my feet from the trip the day before and getting up so early (plus a night with a 2 month old baby), so when Ben went down for a nap, I tried to lay down as well. I didn't get to sleep because I just couldn't settle myself before Benji got back up, but it was nice to rest. Michael took the xbox to Patrick's room over the garage and they played video games together.
For lunch, we made the leftover brisket into sandwiches and I warmed up pizza and sliced some apples for the kids. Gabe actually ate a slice of pizza, plus some trail mix with dried fruits and nuts.
After nap, where Emerald and Gabriel slept most of the afternoon away, Michael mentioned that he had seen a ping-pong table outside, so Steve and Ken and Patrick went outside to play; Rhonda brought out some cards and she, Sydney, Michael, and I played some card games. Sydney taught us "Egyptian Rat Slap" (a more appropriate name than the traditional Egyptian Rat Screw), which she beat us all every time. After a few hands of that, Ken came inside and taught me how to play Spades--me and him on a team against Rhonda and Sydney. It was a lot of fun, but I suspect that I am quite lousy.
I found myself actually wishing I had brought dominos--I am more used to playing chickens foot (if not cribbage). I think that could have been a lot of fun.
Steve and Melisa made dinner--steaks, twice baked potatoes, green beans, and rolls; the day before, Rhonda had made a German Chocolate Cake from scratch, and it was iced and ready to go for dessert for Grannymom and Daddad's anniversary. After cake, I took the kids to bed and let them watch Finding Nemo until the fell asleep.
Sunday morning was our last at the beautiful house in the mountains. Melisa made breakfast burritos which were yummy. I packed while Michael watched the kids, then we switched so that he could load the car. We held a little church, where Daddad spoke and we took communion, said prayers for safe travels. Then we got on the road.
All in all, it was a perfect little vacation. We relaxed and enjoyed one another's company--I spent most of my time talking to people. The only problem we had was Emerald's struggles with using the potty. She would much rather hide, and when there are people that could hear her and come save her from evil mommy, she screams and cries as loudly as she can "someone please help me!". I felt awful, her screaming like I was hurting her. She never did manage to poop.
Happy 50th Anniversary to Grannymom and Daddad :)